>>51530605Literally retarded since GF themselves have admitted that they started to dumb down the games since the 3DS era (if not the DS era) in order to keep smartphone-addicted zoomers focused on completing the main quest. Gens 1-3 were never exactly "difficult" per se, but they didn't have as many crutches built in for the player to exploit as newer games. At leas the older games usually forced you to manage money and prep your teams before going off on long excursions. SWSH is the first mainline game I couldn't finish because it was so mind-numbingly easy and unfun.
>overworld Pokémon easy to avoid>access to the Wild Area before the first badge so you can build your endgame team of six different types of Pokémon right off the bat>catching Pokémon (i.e. just playing the game normally) is the same as grinding now since it gives your entire team exp points>gym leaders are a fucking joke with max four Pokémon you can easily one-shot even without DynamaxingNone of this shit was in Gens 1-3 , and those games are more challenging as a result. You can't dispute this even if you think no Pokémon game is actually hard (meaningless observation coming from an adult).