Quoted By:
>actual character customization (at LEAST 4 preset faces and an option to start in early 20s instead of 11)
>miror b cameo in some way or another
>having no pokemon or its evo appear on more than 3 routes (looking at you raticate wingull zubat)
>that pokemon seal minigame from gen 4 (just remove the letters and you dont have people using it to curse retards why remove the whole system)
>following pokemon (at least full evos)
>new game +
>all of the shinies that are barely palette changes retconned or given a second shiny
>alola forms but for other regions
>option to never interact with rival, have him start as a sidequest in the second town or something that never starts if you dont talk to him
>option to join the evil team (just one game? please?)
>romance routes for all the female grunts in usum (aether skull rr) because theyre all perfect