I don't know what I expected when I opened this thread but, this seems like simultaneously the best and worst time to post my GSA3 haul that arrived today (sorry for the awful quality photo). The event was nice despite Pictsquare having some annoying bugs. As usual, there were a lot of cute booths and free displays like Mitsusora's lewd NoboKuda escape game. I think the NoboKuda section had more circles participating compared to last year so I'm glad. I wish these events didn't tend to get scheduled on the one weekend I work though.
The doujinshi at the bottom are some old second-hand books I had been wanting to pick up for awhile. You can read 2 of them here:
https://myreadingmanga.info/marigo-i-want-you-to-know-pokemon-dj-eng/https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/92647339^^^ This artist in particular I highly recommend for gurofags.