>>44117018This, pretty much. Ever notice how they can only ever go for petty bullshit like "wow the gym leader teams dont have johto pokémon" and use that as some definitive proof that Johto is heavily flawed?
No one ever elaborates on their supposed grievances with the game, the best you'll get out of them is [small issue] with the game is actually a massive issue and ruins Johto. There's no subtlety there, they won't convince anyone that isn't already in their bubble. When pressed, all they ever resort to is:
>>44117267>its the worst because uh...it is>>44117302>hurr nostalgia>also its boring because uhhh i said soSuch weak fucking arguments. The kinds of people that shit on Johto never have the balls or the brain to actually present any real arguments, because they know if they tried they'd get dismantled immediately, so they only go for shitty bait and vague opinions.
>>44118247>Gen 2 is my favoriteI don't believe you.
>Johto has a lot of issuesLike what? Care to actually list them, pussy? Want to explain how a few Pokémon being post-game actually makes Johto one of the worst regions? Or how being slightly underlevelled makes it unplayable?