Can I just talk about my waifu, Lass?
The Let's Go Pikachu version, despite all its flaws (bruh I doNt NeEd ExP ShArE = of course! You just deposit all of your pokemon but 1 and grind ANY trainer with 2 pokemon, and intentionally lose to the second pokemon so you can just keep farming EXP off the first one! way to kill the grind!) had AMAZING trainer intros.
IDK man Lass just represented most older women for me. Down to the "Eek! did you touch me?" I knew, lass's IRL. They were always quite pretty, but just yikes dumb. Trendy, though. I never did hook up with the stacy types. I was more magnet for art hoe's because i could draw (pic related) yeah lass is it for me. That's all i need in my life. hahahaha HAHAHAH *pweh pweh pweh* ( ω )