>>49363300Not OP, but I'm the original requester of the image from a draw thread.
It was basically this
>>49363427; if any of the people using Hatt as a "trans" symbol had actually done more than give a cursory glance at it you'd find it immediately obvious that Hatterene is a mono-gendered, self-isolated and extremely violent/unstable creature that actively hunts down anything in range that's being too loud or too emotion so it can maul them to death. It is, like, the LAST thing you would want to use to represent your position. I love Hatterene, I think it's an awesome mon and it can be genuinely loving and affectionate to others, but it will never be so to the level that another Pokemon would and to raise one probably would be demanding and trial-and-error. Trying to force it to hold a flag and participate in a loud protest rally with a gigantic crowd of people who are not mentally in the best headspace (at best) is probably the worst thing you could do, the entire event would almost instantly become a bloodbath.
So I just wanted an image that was basically Hatt saying "fuck trannies", and imo the best way to do that was just an image of it burning one of the pride flags. Frankly, the artist knocked it outta the park.
For the record the color scheme is just commonly associated with the Fae and Princesses, sometimes more feminine Witches too, and is meant to invoke a dream-like vibe, but there's also actually mushrooms with those colors in nature too (which are also common associations with fairies). Even the palette had an actual reason for it.