>>33474598Nice, the owls, Heracross, Crawdaunt, and Abomasnow are highlights
>>33474620Croagunk is my favorite Pokemon and Golisopod is the fucking shit
>>33474654Props for Scrafty, Toxicroak, and Escavelier
>>33474676Not bad, Toxicroak, Ditto, and Krookodile are all top tier
>>33474838Nice seeing Ditto and Toxicroak love in this thread. Xurkitree is my favorite UB and I fuckle with Shuckle
>>33474881Love me some Heracross
>>33474941Mime Jr. was my favorite Pokemon long ago so it has a special place in my heart.
>>33474981Toxicroak, Crawdaunt, Blastoise, Archeops, and Slowbro, my fucking nigger