>>37254564>If I intentionally use the weakest possible move on a pokemon 4x resistant to it, it does no damage!Absolute galaxy brain right here. Just because you're using no-misses doesn't mean you have to be a fucking retard about it.
252 SpA Life Orb Lucario Aura Sphere vs. 248 HP / 252+ SpD Aggron: 614-733 (179 - 213.7%) -- guaranteed OHKO
>>37255278Good points for the most part, but you also have to keep in mind that a single evasion boost doesn't guarantee that every hit misses. There's a very favorable chance that the evasion boosting pokemon eats hits it can't take while it's sitting there boosting. Rocks set up in one (1) turn. You could also claim any number of counters similar to the list you did for Rocks:
>Taunt>Defog (Evasion lower)>No Guard>No-Miss moves (See first response, they aren't as terrible as you think)>Same as above but also counting things like Thunder/Hurricane in rain, Blizzard in Hail, etc>Literally the exact same things that counter setup sweepers>Psyche Up>Phasing moves>Chip damage via weather, or Toxic, which never misses if used by a poison type anyway>Any of these for Minimize specifically https://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Category:Moves_that_become_stronger_against_a_Minimized_target>ALL Z-moves>Hone Claws>Any pokemon that can use the time to just set up themselves>Fast pokemon with a type advantage over common evasion users>Having pokemon that generally don't care much about evasion (Malamar, etc)