Gen 3 was basically "which do I feel the least indifferent about". Worst gen for new Pokemon.
Gen 6 is based entirely off of design since I haven't played the game yet.
>>21091993Raichu, Steelix and Luxray are gr8, rest are ass
>>210920295/6 because >Salamence
>>21092033kawaii as fuck/6
Spoink is the cutest Pokemon
>>21092061Average but Haunter is indeed superior to Gengar
>>21092088>Lucariointo the trash it goes
>>21092126Nice gen 1, 2, 4, 5 picks
>>21092153you gay son?
>>21092222>Lucario>Salamence>Zekrominto the trash it goes
>>21092261Good taste right here
>>21092381>Garchompopinion discarded
>>21092558>Blaziken>Garchompinto the trash it goes
>Zoroarkinto the trash it goes.
>>21093161>Arceus>edgy Rhydon>>21093172>Edgy Poliwhirl>Gumby4/6
>>21093213Regice taints your taste of qt mons