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Wigglytuff: Outclassed by Clefable for every generation.
Dewgong: Spent its entire existence outclassed by other water/ice types until it was culled. Also the only Ice type from KANTOOO that’s banned from a tundra
Flareon: Its only move kills it.
Hitmonchan: The worst Hitmon by a country mile
Tauros: Went from the King of RBY to the Poster-mon of Power Creep
Articuno: Stuck in PU while its siblings are OU because Lame Freak hates Ice types.
Johto Starters Collective: Skipped over when handing out Megas
Meganium: The only starter to be Untiered without having a niche in actual tiers (until it got culled). Didn't get a Mega or a Z-crystal despite both gimmicks baring its name.
Typhlosion: Stuck being a one-note-eclair because Lame Freak only gave it one useable special move while Shillizard got everything. The only Pokemon where Smogon says "Do not ever use this Pokemon with the intent of winning games" (Until it got culled)
Ledian: Lame Freak fucked up its stats, made it into shitmon then culled it AND replaced it with Orbeetle.
Normal Deoxys: Made obsolete by Attack Deoxys (and got culled)
Electivire and Luxray: Wild Charge lol
Darkrai: Dark Void was made into a worthless coinflip (and it got culled, even though Cresselia got in)
Dusknoir: Completely worthless while its Pre-evo dominates doubles.
Zygarde: Didn't get a Game, Its story was reduced to a lame post game fetch quest.
Decidueye: It got nothing while, Prima got singles, Incin got Doubles,
Tapu Bulu: Cucked out of Grassy Glide even though Rilla got it.
Inteleon: The only Galar Starter not to benefit from a broken Shill Ability.
Frosmoth: Mogged by Volcarona in every possible way. Meanwhile everyone creams themselves over pwecious Snom.
Zamazenta: Didn't Get Body Press. The most useless Uber in history while its sibling is possibly the single strongest Pokemon to have ever existed.