This is awkward.
I'm the one who's been doing the probation survey. I've been awol for a while due to exams but every time I could get on here all I saw was the same load of arguments or annoying 'cull it' posts.
I was hoping to fix that. Having lost my trip (due to how long it had been since I posted) I just did things anon. Clearly that was a mistake and I apologise. I'm assuming people are going to want some proof. Ask away, I can post the 'design' stage of the surveys. That's probably easiest. Dex, check your messages on the forum. I just sent you one to confirm this is me.
Again, sorry for all the chaos this has caused. I wish I had stuck around and I could have headed this off a lot earlier.
If you have any questions about how I've been running the surveys please ask away.
>>12043765A fair and valid point. As someone explained, I was just trying to answer the comments. I tried to do similar things with the mapping comments (as you can see on some of the threads I posted on the forum). Perhaps I made a mistake here though. I'll send you a followup message on the forum and get some input about what to do. I'd say it here but if the question stays, I don't want to reveal the current results prematurely.
inb4 shitstorm