>>19352641So to recap, Hexcalibur's left sword doesn't think you can do it, and his right sword is just merely spouting gibberish that doesn't make sense to you.
>'Right.. Moving on..'Alice and Serena's ski instructor introduces himself to you and Skeeter to lay down some ground rules before the race starts. The punk's multi-headed goons are throwing Incense-fermented eggs at you from the crowds, yolk is dribbling all over you.
Everyone's skis are lit on fire and all participants are given boxing gloves and mouth guards. Internationally Famous Bruiser William Cracker Smasher offers a few words of wisdom to Skeeter Skidouche that you're unable to eavesdrop on.
Hexcalibur just tells you to win it because he told you to.
The super cool ski instructor--a shiny Zubat with a pompous scarf--clears his throat.
"AHEM! Just remember guys, don't kick each other in the nuts--IF YOU GET KICKED IN THE NUTS, yeah, you're gonna have a bad time m8. Also, no masturbating please, like, I don't even know how many times I need to stress this one out. I mean, a while back we found two teenagers--one white, one black--just pumping each other off in the woods that one of our courses runs through. SERIOUSLY DUDE, just don't do that, not in my resort, jizz in your bro's hands somewhere else. Thanks. So uh, without further ado, yeah, LET'S GET THIS SHIT STARTED, BANG BANG!"
Coughing up a starter pistol, the Zubat fires it into the sky with his fangs, starting the rematch.
You and Skeeter shoot off like motherfuckers down the slope at unbelievable speeds, with occasional punches here and there.
Meanwhile, a rather unsteady Serena is still at the starting line...slowly...picking...up...the pace...if...any.
A) Yeah uh, let's get back to Serena later.
B) Keep the focus on her. She might do something interesting eventually.