Quoted By:
>talking to friend today
>"Oh anon, just listened to a thing a few hours ago, figured out it was pronounced arceus (arkēəs)"
oh alright, I like to pronounce it like arceus (arsēəs)
>"but thats not the proper way to pronounce it anon, its pronounced arkeus
Okay, I like to say it as arseus
>"but its arkeus"
Okay, I like to say it as arseus
>"it's arkeus"
>this goes on for two minutes
I'm not SAYING thats not the proper way to pronounce it, I'm saying that I like pronouncing it as ARSEUS
>"But thats not the way youre supposed to say it anon, you could be talking about something else since you're mispronouncing it."
>another lad sitting nearby interveens "this arguement is autistic"
I agree
>"but it's pronounced arkeus"
>this goes on for 15 minutes
Its not that fucking hard to understand man, other people say it like that too, this is just like tomayto vs tomahto, it just depends on preferences and habit
>"Well the habit is wrong and preferences are opinions, opinions are emotions, I don't let emotions grt in the way of facts."
You know what, I don't want this going on any longer. I'll pronounce it your "proper way", as long as it stops your droving
>"also, its pronounced tomahto, thats how it's said in google translate, so thats how you say it."
Anyways anon, how do you pronounce it? Arseus or arkeus?