Old Thread:
1. If you would like to be added to a group, wait for an official signup post from an organiser and reply with your in game name and friend code.
2. Once you are added to a group, wait until your group is called for by a cloner. Do not ask to be put ahead, as you will be ignored.
3. If you miss being called, then you will have to sign up again.
4. Giving shinies, etc. to cloners will not get you any bonuses, but if you wish to give something to your cloner for their hard work it would be greatly appreciated.
Cloners: [Alexis 3222 - 6420 - 2022] [Josh 1650-2319-8829] [Adrian 5257-9521-3545] [Kealan 4356 0654 0020] [Neon 1435-4902-4801] [George 1392 5328 9455] [Jessie 0018-0495-5739] Willaien [2878-9590-1228] [Oblivion 0877-1582-6873] [Mrbox 0104 0343 9919] [Kevin 4983-5106-6746] [holon 2234-7174-2590]
Organisers – Yvis, Ahri, Jack, Stephen
"However will I know when my group is called for?" keep the thread open and keep up, your group will be called and if you do not respond in a timely manner you will be skipped and have to ask to be put on the bottom of the list again.