>>22634512>Seriously asking why Fighting needed a nerfFighting was just as powerful as Dragon was. It was spammable as a STAB alongside being a good coverage type that had allot of SE hits compared to Dragons only being SE on themselves. Their only main weakness was Psychic, since a 99% of Fighting types get Stone Edge or BoltBeam Punches to handle Flying types like most Dragons getting Fire and Fighting attack to handle Ice types(to bad Ice types can’t safely switch into Dragons anyway since Ice only resisted themselves). They even had a Stealth Rock resistance, and most relevant Dragons(except Garchomp) were either weak or neutral to pebbles.
Dragon+Fighting also had a good offensive core with Dragons ripping through everything neutral to their STAB and Fighting pummeling the Steels that resisted the Dragon’s onslaughts. Fighting could also check Ice, which can trouble Dragons if they’re Scarfed,Sashed, or Bulky enough to stomach their attacks and retaliate with SE STAB Ice attacks. So yeah, agree with me or not, Fighting was a pretty OP type and the nerfing it seemed pretty justified imo
I dunno about Dark though. It was a pretty good attacking type on paper but most of the pokemon weren’t as OP compared to the other 2 types Fairy nerfed. They probably nerfed it for balance reasons since they made Dark hit Steel neutrally at the cost of having with a new type resisting their attacks and hitting them super-effectively. It seems like a fair trade since Dark is more spammable compared to Gen 5 since you need to pack Fighting, Ground, and Fire moves to even touch a Steel. Even Hoopa’s new form is going to be spamming Dark attacks since few would resist it’s STAB combination.