>>43082583lmao that whine must taste like shit from how sour the grapes are you're using to make it with. the best part is there's nothing sekrit about it and it's all open source. this is basically just the install linux of cool shit. teach an anon to fish and they can raid for days spoonfeed them once and they become entitled american tier babbys lmao.
>>43082585especially lol'd at this
since I'm a legit day 0 migrated over old fag and it only took me a half hour to collect and find all the shit I needed once I saw the tutorial vid. especially when /vp/ is almost /co/mbler tier hugbox compared to most boards.
>>43082672we already did lmao and apparently it's the most powerful pleb filter ever imagined. holy shit this system seemed like a waste of time when I was at where they are now but now I realize how fucking genius it is to make everything open signup on 4chan exactly like this. the salt is ridiculous and we all get dope shit by simply doing our due diligence.