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Pokemon empyrean EoE is a conflicting game. It's a horribly thought out schizophrenic mess with level design made with the guiding hand of Lucifier himself, However there's something about it I feel drawn to. The start of the game feels almost like training wheels only existing to ease the player into things. It's quick and amateurish, giving you a false sense of security. Where as the mid game feels like the creator removing your front tire. The game becomes a gauntlet of fights with schizophrenic difficulty, commonly with baby and fully evolved pokemon on the same team. This then culminating in the trainer spam hell that is endgame, with most fights being against fusion forms. If it stopped there I wouldn't have written any of this and just left it with "It's bad". However the post game is an entirely different beast. The hostile quest design, baffling rewards, and lack of documentation turned the postgame not just into a series of puzzles spanning the entire map, but into a fascinating experience more in line with the bullshit found in games like drakengard. It feels like you're constantly discovering new things to do with the game and it's obscurity masking every step. The rewards are Mostly Insanely powerful, and keep you wanting more. The feeling that you're in uncharted territory is all encompassing with Almost no information about the postgame existing. Even on their discord server they try their hardest to obscure information. This game is filled with issues, however in spite of that this game is a gem. An obscure sufferingkino gem.