So I picked this game back up again, felt like I should update however slightly I can. I found a Sun Stone and Focus Band hidden in rocks, and there's a Sunkern and Oddish in the route's grass.
I put Turtwig in the box, and decide to give Heracross a shot. I've never used any of the Pokemon in this team before, but so far Gligar's been a disappointment.
Of course there's a pointless roadblock, so I take the other path and reach "Krypton Town". The Pokecenter here is a Communications Center, which you can use to upload and download other players' teams. The Gym Leader's out of the Gym so I guess I have to go to the nearby Pokeball Factory.
After talking to all the scientists, a path opens in the building. Upon going downstairs, Team HUNTER is waiting to battle; first grunt has three Level 7 Zubats which doesn't bode well.
Also, six statues are just lying about and interacting with each of them releases a Geodude you can battle. Joy!
>>21384446Better put Protect on her at some point