>>20180462I like all the new designs including Gen 4 cross evos (Rhyperior, Electivire, Magnezone are awesome), Gen 5 (I still hate Conkeldurr for stealing Machamp's thunder but I respect that it's inspiration and design is pretty solid despite not being easy on the eye). But to believe that the mega-evolutions aren't reminiscent of Digimon is a blatant lie and you fucking know it.
I have never been a fan of mega-evolution since it feels like a cheap gimmick, and with poor distribution at that, too. Additionally, a lot of the designs are utter garbage (i.e., M-Manectric). Literally ALL megas are just spikes (bonus hair optional). See pic related.
However, I just try to ignore them in-game or wreck them with my UU bros whenever I get the chance. Basically, I just don't care. Mega-Swampert and Mega-Sceptile may change my opinion on ORAS, however.