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I'm usually not the one to say this, because I was one of those Gen 1 purist, but Gen 6 completely changed my mind and I think there is too much nostalgiafagging in Gen 6. XY is ruined by nostalgiafagging to Kanto pokemons with Kanto starters, (not) Viridian forest, disappointing story and not very well fleshed out region. Also gym leaders sucked, probably the worst of the bunch
ORAS also nostalgiafagging too hard on the RSE (I know it's a remake). Hoenn looked okay back on GBA, but on 3DS it looked pretty lifeless, just your typical grasslands.
I kinda miss the sense of exploration and adventure I had when going through Unova and being forced to 100% use Unovan pokemon until postgame. Same goes with Sinnoh, Hoenn, and Johto.
What do you guys think?