>>46011094>>46010989>Does your OC only have a single team, or do they have boxes full of pokemon?He has befriended/captured the following Pokemon: Lilligant, Luxray, Lopunny, Gardevoir, Primarina, Medicham, Ludicolo, Crobat, Sirfetch'd, Butterfree, Chimecho, Sylveon, Krickitune, Sawsbuck, Machamp, Bronzong, and Shaymin. His normal team consists of the Lilligant, Luxray, Lopunny, Gardevoir, Primarina, Medicham, and he has a special 7th slot for Shaymin. The other mons usually stay in a PC though I plan on working to figure out a way they can be more free while not with him. He has a home/recording studio in Eterna Forest they could stay in.
>Does your OC have an overarching storyline or character arc? If so, where do you view them along that arc - do you think of them as just beginning it, at its climax, at its end, or somewhere else?Brent's grown a little bit throughout the TTRPG campaign I'm using him in not much however. And I think that's just due to the story not really being focused so much on the trainers themselves or even the Pokemon in the party, but more so the events that transpire around them. If any changes have been made over time, I'd say Brent's gotten a hellova lot stronger in a very short time frame. He's never been a violent person, but this journey has tested him many times with that. He has had to hurt many people and Pokemon who have been trying to kill him, his friends, and family for months now. He's been blessed by Shaymin, Uxie, Mesperit, and Azelf and is about to fight Arceus with a bunch of his friends who've also been blessed... he was just a simple passionate and pacifistic performer who liked nature and inspiring people to be their best.. now he's a Messiah who's about to give the world free will and help pokemon be more free by breaking some cosmic laws. He hasn't killed anyone still btw! But god damn man... Brent's so tired.
Though he's young still, he's pretty mature so I don't think he'd be changing too much in his future.