>>53284241I get that the story(s) in question probably don't want to focus and linger on distracting world building, but it'd be nice to see that just like our own, their world in many ways isn't all sunshine and rainbows, and that they don't have the edge in all scientific field. Motherfucker, we worked hard for our shit through blood, sweat, and tears to get to where we our on the backs countless workers, farmers, scientists, engineers leaders, and the like. At least give us a bloody hint that they have gone through their own tribulations to get to where they are, or if you are going to reference our world, despite our issues, to throw a good bone at least for some of the good that has been done despite the shitmire we are currently in.
Borne of Caution has the excuse of having Lee's world nuked by unknown parties that may pop up later in the story. But even so, a lot of these Pokemon isekais going to the mainline Pokemon world don't seem to deal in such nuances as much as they could have. Might just be me and my personal annoyance, but it'd be nice to see more such things whenever comparison pop up in contrasting their world with our own. Those isekai protagonists came from somewhere after all, and the world that came them flesh and form has to have done something right to create them.
Can't say I am anyone to talk, seeing as my own efforts to contribute to a reverse isekai have mostly fallen flat on its ass. But still, a man can dream.
That is my idle rant and screed for the day. Good morrow to you.