New Stats: 105/115/125/59/75/56/BST:535
New Abilities: Solid Rock/Shell Armor/(HA)Overgrow
Shell Armor Buff: In addition to preventing critical hits, Shell Armor grants the Pokemon resistances to Flying, Water and Ground-Type attacks
New Moves: Shell Smash, Thunder Fang, Wild Charge, Psychic Fangs
Wild Charge Buff: Now 120 base power
New Stats: 76/105/70/104/69/111/BST:535
New Abilities: Berzerk/Iron Fist/(HA)Blaze
Iron Fist Buff: Base power boost increased to 1.5x
New Moves: Bullet Punch, Drain Punch, Shadow Punch, Earth Power, Shadow Ball
New Stats: 84/112/93/80/101/65/BST:535
New Abilities: Slush Rush/Defiant/(HA)Torrent
New Moves: Ice Shard, Icicle Crash, Iron Head, Stone Edge, Brave Bird, Superpower, Outrage
New Stats: 80/70/95/82/95/113/BST:535
New Abilities: Contrary/Pressure/(HA)Overgrow
New Moves: Psychic, Sludge Bomb, Sludge Wave, Dazzling Gleam, Flash Cannon
New Stats: 112/123/85/70/80/65/BST:535
New Abilities: Reckless/Thick Fat/(HA)Blaze
Reckless Buff: Damage boost now also applies to moves which lower the user's stats upon use (Close Combat, Overheat, ect)
New Moves: Mach Punch, Slack Off
New Type: Water/Fighting
New Stats: 95/120/105/65/70/80/BST:535
New Abilities: Swordfighter/Shell Armor/(HA)Torrent
New Moves; Ice Shard, Icicle Shard, Shell Smash, Drill Peck, Drill Run, Earthquake, Psycho Cut, Night Slash, Shadow Claw, Agility