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My mistake was wanting an Ally Switch Kingler for triples as a Wide Guard user with Knock-off that can hit physically while not being intimidated by Hitmontop.
Easy, right? Wrong.
First I needed a male Natu. So I booted up SoulSilver and caught one. Then I transferred it to my recently rushed-through Black 2 for the Ally Switch TM, which I then discovered costs 24 BP. I then spent the morning losing at battle 14 to brightpowder double team before losing on purpose at battle 8 so I could repeat 1-7 for the measly 3 BP reward.
I then transferred this natu to X, had it chain breed to Archen and then Krabby. Does gamefreak think they're funny? They're not.
Now I can get down to the non-ridiculous breeding.