Apologies for the lack of color. I will attempt to reply to as many people as possible in this post.
>>49581847Very quality art. I used to browse /co/ as well, but I began to lose interest in many of the topics that they discussed there within the last couple of years.
>>49581669Nice gains. Feraligatr and swampert are also favorites of mine, good taste.
>>49581491Cool hair and favorite pokemon. I have never heard of Lisa: The Hopeful until now, maybe I'll give it a go. I did enjoy The Painful quite a bit, after all.
>>49581414Cute mareep doodle, boomerfriend.
I'm curious: what /d/ threads do you typically browse?>>49579497Nice hair, cute boards. Minun is an interesting choice for a favorite. What does it have that plusle doesn't?
>>49579380Good taste in games, FF14 is quickly becoming one of my favorite games as well. Do you have a favorite SMT? I'm partial to Strange Journey.
>>49579159Moon is an interesting choice for a favorite. I assume that you typically pick the "blue" versions of Pokemon games?
>>49578676Good favorite pokemon, UBs are fun choices. I'm a bit surprised to see EoT and not EoS as your favorite, as I typically hear that Sky is the superior version. Is there any particular reason that you prefer Time?
>>49576669Your slowbro doodle is very cute. I haven't been on /i/ in quite a while, do you typically participate in the threads there?
>>49574961You have good taste in video games. I wasn't aware that /adv/ is worth visiting often, do you typically give advice or ask for advice there?
>>49574475Pro Skater 3 does have a very good soundtrack. I haven't played it in a very long time, but now I'm tempted to play it again.
>>49574414I like your handwriting. Did SnK improve over time? I remember it being very boring around the beginning and dropping it because it didn't improve for a while.
>>49574387Cute art, good favorites. Who do you typically play in Smash Bros? I like playing Kirby and K Rool.