>>53948514>hellAH HELL NAH NOT IN MY CHRISTIAN FRANCHISE ABOUT HEAVEN AND HELL LIKE ANGEMON AND DEVIMON WHO NEVER FUSED LIKE ANGEWOMAN AND LADYDEVIMON except I will now stop using caps lock to see if Angemon and Devimon ever got a fusion because I don't think they did because Angemon is just some dude who has muscle but doesn't work out (genetics) and Devimon is some lankey dude (not Kong) who doesn't have muscle and doesn't work out (choice with preventable results) and now that I am thinkung about a Caucasian furry man with a lot of similar to #ffffff color on his torso and a literal similar to #000000 color man I realize this thought (collective deliberation) could be perceived as gay also known as homosexual and while it is the month where people yell a lot about dicks in butts (but not Dickbutt, pic related) I for one am not gay and think I should stop talking about Angemon and Devimon and if I may graciously be allowed to elaborate on my claim earlier about Angemon being a furry I called Angemon a furry because he has several large wings on his back and I do not know of any real IRL humans who grow feathers and someone is probably thinking of the infant chicken and also considering posting it but I shall stlll compare Angemon who very much resembles a human man to avian species because he has wings with many feathers actually what if Angemon lost his wings he wouldn't be very ange prefix anymore and thinking of a bland average name similar to ange made me think of the name Andrew so I think an Angemon who loses his wings would be called Andrewmon or Andremon which sounds similar to Andromon oh my Gaia Force what if Andromon is an Angemon that lost his wings but Yggdrasil didn't like the idea of an existance named Andrewmon so any Angemon who loses his wings immediately glitches into an Andromon do you like how I shoehorned Yggdrasil into this post for no reason guess what I don't now all it needs is a Royal Knight like Omnimon to be an official Digimon post