Quoted By:
>Be in class eating a sandwhich
>Hear screaming and gunshots outside
>Class freaks out
>White kid comes in holding an ak while screaming bloody murder
>He shoot around like crazy, debris from above falls down
>He was bullied and wants revenge on us all since women won't bear his young
>I'm prepared, and make my desk into a bike, ignore my half eaten sandwhich as it falls onto the floor
>every body is impressed including the shooter
>he shoots at me
>hold the B button, start hopping up the debris and he can't shoot me
>SURPRISE BITCH, it's an acrobike
>Fall off at the end of it
>He starts shooting at my wheels.
>Is this the end???
>Switch to mach bike
>I have become speed
>Ride a circle around him and he can't get me cause I'm speed
>he makes cracks on the ground, from the bullets, making a circle of cracks around him
>circle around him again and i go over the cracks the second time, making holes like true sky pillar fashion
>A circle of holes surrounds him and gravity plays it part and dude falls through screaming how women owe him sex since he's in the same egg group
>Class thanks me and my mad bike skills as I get off it to give high fives to everybody.
>Then I hear it
>"There's a place and time for everything anon"
>Dad burst in, looking mad as fuck, I shouldn't have used the bike indoors and listened to his advice
>His Slaking picks me by the head
>This thing is gonna fucking kill me
>Then it sees my sandwhich and starts eating it
>Dad yells at Slaking to stop it.
>Say that Slaking can't help loafing around, and just loafs that sandwhich.
>Dad facepalms
>Class face palms
>Slaking facepalms
>The recoil damage to Slaking is so fucking high it faints and falls on dad
>I won the battle and take his carkeys as prize money
>I now have a car
>I'm gonna go take bitches to Mosdeep see the litleo shower and go deep in then afterwards
>Eat mulch losers