>>41907185So... holy fuck, Winona was fucking terrifying. Also I fucking love Corsola. Also, I risked Rusty's life for a really stupid reason (AKA disliking but not banning heal spam)
>Skarmory yeeted by Typhlosion bc remembered it from last time>holy fuck dd gyarados>sceptile comes out and outspeeds, but leaf blade only does like 40%>bounce yikes>ok go Corsola>eats bounce but OH SHIT EARTHQUAKE>bitch lives, pic related, power gem kills>heal, take hits ez, ohko honchkrow+talonflame+sigilyph>oh fuck its altaria.. okay gotta heal in case of eq>MEGA>DD, EQ>OH FUCK>EQ does like 70%, Power Gem only did like 35% so fuck that>Steelix pls take an earthquake better than Corsola>still does like 55%>reluctantly heal a few turns bc fuck heal spam but also wtf else can I do>it gets a low roll that does like 49%>okay fuck heal spam I'm risking it>STUPID AI USED DD AGAIN>it dies to a Gyro BallFuck this game, but gained a new love for Corsola today. And Rusty, but that's not really new, he's a fucking bro and has been for the last 4 regions.