>>57223964My usual routine is to collect two sets behind. Cards might not be at their ABSOLUTE lowest, but I find that it generally takes about two additional set releases before any particular set begins to settle down into its general market zone. I'll take the opportunity to trade for cards earlier if the other person is asking for things I don't really need, but generally I would just passively open packs from participating in tournaments while waiting for the market to settle. Of course I can't fucking do that right now thanks to investorfaggots and gayass distributors draining local shops of their pack stock. To be honest I'm kinda afraid that they won't go down particularly low though considering Greninja was the most obvious scam of the era and is still sitting at over 300$ even after the Surging Sparks craze. At this point it feels overly optimistic to think Pikachu will even go down to that prize, let alone the eeveelutions.
Honestly I'm surprised these jackasses haven't targeted the SwSh era that hard. Like sure the prices have escalated relatively quickly, but not in the same way SV cards randomly get pumped on a whim overnight. You'd think they'd be bigger targets for more intense market manipulation considering they're far less available and have harsher pullrates. Either way, shit sucks but at least I already have my SwSh collection complete.