>>133523927/10 too many heal items have mroe faith in yoru pokemon
>>1335360710/10 classy as fuck
>>133536544/10 not using loadout
>>13355379xbox one/10
>>133556756/10 lose the weed then 7/10
>>133563286/10 no pokemon healing items
>>133564719/10 no reason to play the game when it is real
>>13356641no clue/10
>>133572289/10 get gloves with fingers Ash
>>133574262/10 not enough suplies
>>133585266/10 needs pokemon healing supplies
>>13358709 8/10 dont need game when its real, thinking ahead have escape rope
>>133592798/10 bedazzling eye patch gives it unneccesary attention
>>133596277/20 battle phrase pun failed
>wearing a shirt to bedRate however