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In the beginning, there were two Rockruffs. These two adorable puppies were very loving towards their owners, that was until one of them appeared to be a little "off", so to speak. This caused the owners to confine this Rockruff to a tiny wire cage in a completely dark room, while the other one was loved. He was severely abused and mistreated. The poor little puppy was confined in a small, cramped, rusted wire cage in a dark room 24/7 and was constantly starving. Poor thing would also be yelled at and had rocks thrown at it, while struggling not to pass out and whimpering in pain. Its owners would also deprive it of food and water due to how it was "different". Because of this, Rockruff was starting to hate itself and have a disdain for humans, and its brother. A few days of torment later, it saw its brother evolve into Lycanroc, with its owners proceeding to give it treats. This fueled the Rockruff with intense anger and sadness as it will never be loved do to how different it was. On that coming night at 12:00 AM, when the puppy's hatred and sadness was at its peak. it turned into a horrifying abomination and let out a frightening howl. What used to be Rockruff has become a savage beast, and broke its cage. After hearing the howl, the abusive owners opened the door and stood there in shock, as they saw the beast's glowing-red eyes and hunched stance. It proceeded to kill the two in revenge for the abusive conditions it was put under as a Rockruff. After that, it proceeded to hunt down its brother and kill it out of pure hatred and jealousy, letting out another howl right after.
And that is how midnight form Lycanroc came to be.