/pptg/ Pokemon Playthrough General #4 - Ruins of Alph Weekend Date Edition
Anonymous No.48604146 View ViewReport Quoted By:
Welcome to /pptg/. Post about your current adventures throughout any of the Gen 1-8 games here, including non-mainline titles and romhacks! Because some of us anons actually PLAY the games!
Thread Questions
>What are you currently playing?
>Have anything you want to show off from your save file? Any updates since your last post?
>What Pokémon game have you replayed the most or is your favorite, and what do you love about it?
>Any spin-off titles you want to try or would recommend?
Feel free to leave suggestions for future threads' OP images or things you want included in the OP.
>Whatcha plans weekend anon?
I'm gonna hit the bars tonight and am going to a hockey game tomorrow. But I will likely play more Renegade Platinum I am right before Maylene and just gained access to the Solaceon Town grinding and EV trainers.