>>40395524It's only unfair with a moronic socialist mindset like yours. These exploiters capitalized on something and you want to either get the same spoils as they did without the effort or drag them down where you are.
It's pathetic. Period. Be the exploiter the next time instead of expecting free stuff because someone was more attentive than you.
>>40395570I've used 5 dollars and spare currency from the google store to buy 1600 gems, so I'm technically not f2p. I know whales can be a boring STEM guy with decent pay, so am I. But not everything is right in their head if they think using +1000 dollars on pixels in a subpar game is worth it more than giving it to their family or literally some guy in the streets.
Remember that people aren't jealous of you because you have enough money to spend a lot on a gacha, but they will all laugh at you when you someday might lack money and have nothing saved up because you wasted them all on stupid shit.