>>43569608Not really. If you notice, competitive general threads generate very little discourse compared to other, more popular threads. There are some people around here who know their stuff, but generally speaking, most posters on /vp/ don't have much of a clue as far as the metagame goes, which is okay. The metagame is just a small aspect of Pokemon as a whole, and not one that your average person cares for. I personally love competitive, and have since Generation 4, about a decade ago. I played on cart back then, but moved on to showdown as soon as generation 5 arrived. Pic related was the last screenshot I took. I probably could've gone higher, but that was the week everyone migrated to Gen 8. Should've probably done more battles. Have some logs winning against people in the 1900-2000s, and I have logs losing against people who were at 1600-1700. Speaking of which, due to the disappointing nature of generation 8, I have yet to play a single battle since November.
Haven't even bought it.