>Hailfag and Trick Roomfag last year>My face when this yearT-They will become good again next year, r-right? Surely people will start packing Abomasnow again to deal with Mega Mence right?
;_;>>20582872Here's the thing.
VGC is played all on carts and 3DS so while technically "physical" you are playing a "virtual" game. That's how VGC goes no matter if you are playing online or playing with side who is sitting next to you.
Your comparison fails because TCG works by making the players buy the shit out of cards so that they can get good decks. TCG going virtual fuck ups that because they can't jew the shit out of players anymore.
Do you see what's the problem with what you say? You are comparing 2 completely different market and business models. VGC not having a ladder is because TCPi and Gamefreak are incompetent idiots, not because it interferes with a non-existent money-making. If anything, not having a dedicated battle spot ladder for VCG is the very reason people turn away from the game or are forced to rely on showdown, because there's nowhere to practice and how can you git gud and test your teams without practice?