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I grew up in a poor-ish family and my parents loved me and my siblings lots. I lived in northen New Hampshire for the majority of my life and I still am. Despite being poor my parents bought each me and my little brother Gameboys, and they became a huge part of my childhood and I have very fond memories playing with it.
Sadly I was diagnosed with Aspergers Syndrome and ADHD, and while that's not too bad, I flew into rages a lot, breaking game consoles and eventually once I grew a little more, kicking holes into the walls. My parents never gave up on me and despite not being the richest people they still always bought me game systems after they broke. Sure I was spoiled, but around the age of 13 I started opening up my mind and got quite a bit smarter due to reading lots. I just sort of stopped getting angry at things, realized that my parents were awesome people, and noticed that I always liked being happy and singing music and whatnot, and decided to focus on being happy in life and enjoying everything it has to offer.
Nowadays though I'm really laid back and have spurts of energy here and there, I love living life and being around nature, and even seeing a moth up close or some sort of animal can cheer me up drastically. I've taken up meditation and I'm trying my best to cheer up the world around me and do the best for the people I love, even if I do screw up sometimes.