My Litwick partner is different from the Lampent and Chandelure. Why would I evolve my little candle bro?
>>226931788/10 ghost bro
>>226932848/10 good taste
>>226934487/10 nice gains bro
>>226935026/10 alright but doesn't grab me
>>226936567/10 best bug types are there
>>226936636/10 I'd give you seven but it's not as good as the guy above and I gave him a seven sooooo...
>>22693745data/10 I dig it
>>226937688/10 for roserade, gengar, and nido
>>226938149/10 but maybe OP
>>226938878/10 phantump a best
>>226939629/10 just for that pun
>>226940188/10 pretty sweet
>>226940407/10, bug is popular apparently
>>226941288/10 Golett and marowak
>>22694138damn people like bugs. 7/10, it'd be 8 if not for genesect
>>226942336/10 it's okay
>>226942457/10 now THAT'S a better ground gym
>>226943317/10, but not as good a 7/10 as the last one
>>226944847/10 but fuck simisear
>>226945877/10 great type meh team
>>226949808/10 i dig it
>>22695127I appreciate your dedication to your bro, 7.8/10
>>226952458/10 I love drilbur
>>226954938/10 for lawnmower
>>226956068/10 for being a regular everyday normal guy
>>226957927/10 it's okay