>>21037733White 2 and I don't have the charm, sadly. I got white and white 2 after I got Y so pokedex completing is being focused on Y only. I'm only going for the unova dex on white 2 for the free shiny haxorus.
My white 2 game was originally a nuzlocke that I got two shinies from, so maybe it's lucky! I got a shiny sewaddle at the beginning of the playthrough and a shiny golduck 2/3rds in the game.
I can understand the anxiety with catching it in the right ball, it's so much easier when not catching them shiny, because you know you can try again instantly. Luckily Cresselia doesn't look too bad in a master ball so I'm not sweating for that.
Sorry for the huge files, I'm on my phone without a laptop :(