Continuing where I left off
>>56112819Grass possum(?) first and second evos look great, but the third looks like a cat fursona. Maybe it's the angle its head was drawn, but I feel like it'd look better with a more possum-shapes head.
Fire bird line looks incredible. As someone who always goes Grass, I'd be envious of that line.
Water boar(?) line looks pretty ugly, but I like the ice tombstones on the final evo.
>>56113135>>56113145>>56113151Okay this is a pretty stellar look-alike line. Looks like it'd be either Dark/Flying or Ghost/Flying. I'd prefer the latter, we've got too many Dark types as-is.
>>56113773Guacamole dragon is meh. Think I'm mostly just sick of Grass/Dragon. After Mega Sceptile got it, I feel like they started handing it out like candy and really de-valued it.
Middle two lines are also pretty meh. Last line looks like it'd be a good starter line though. I'd make it Grass/Ground, even though I'm also not a fan of that combo.
>>56114575Is it two different Pokemon, or is the right-side one supposed to be the left-side one "in action" like how Pokemon concept art does it?
Would need to see more color to form a better opinion, but right now it looks cute, but generic.
>>56115812Great concept and designs. Sick of seeing more Dark types, but this one does it really well.
>>56115835Neat concept, but I'm confident we'll never get anything that even loosely resembles alcohol.
>>56115845Pretty cute. I think the extremely long neck is ugly, but in a somewhat charming way.
>>56116245Needs some work, but keep at it.
>>56116377Won't comment on all of them, but the Dragon one is great. And any Normal-type Eeveelution IMO is a waste of time.
>>56116890I actually really, really like this look-alike line and IMO is how they should be done. Love how it goes from Orange x2 to Blue, the inverse of the normal Dratini line.
>>56117406Is that a corn bat? Funny concept. Kinda ugly, but I'm sure other evos could redeem it.