Giving away leftovers from previous giveaway threads, all level 100 EV trained with great IVs, many shiny. See up a disc, holding a sweet heart or something, asking for what you want at level 91-100 and be gender specific if you can. Put the description as the nickname of the Mon you want. You can have more than one of each Mon, but not multiples of the same please. Some are in short supply, the luvdisc waiting the longest on the gts gets priority.
Vilplume have ability capsule
Spinda have bright powder
Garchomp have expert belt
Lucario have PP Max
Ludicolo have assault vest
Gyrados have leftovers
Rampardos have life orb
Cradily have master ball
Aerodactyl have weakness policy
Archeops have choice scarf
Dittos have safety goggles