>*glugs plant estrogen meal replacement*God-
>*willingly gets homeland taken over by brown tidal wave*we’re-
>*buys overpriced awful product with [franchise name]*not-
>*donates to Israel*speaking-
>*proclaims self to be a good person*German!
>*gets vasectomy*>>42391858Yeah it’s kinda disappointing that the franchise continues to strip quality and features away when they nearly perfected the formula 10 years ago already. I’ll only spend $500 on games and merch this month(after buying a new Switch of course!), because I’m very intelligent and I’ve produced an extremely nuanced, well-rounded integrated view of this, and all issues, known to man. To say “yes” or “no” to anything means nothing and is truly an artifact of the past. I’m very smart. Did I say that? I hope so. Though it doesn’t really need to be said, it’s apparent.