>we head to a legend of zelda reference-filled village, where we beat the leader of the outlaws that have allied with the siseante clan>adian meanwhile is outed as a homo and heads back to his home village>we take a slight detour to meet a weird 100 year old actor who has definitely no plot relevance and also beat up rainbow rocket giovanni trying to make a propaganda piece>we then head east to the siseante clan hideout>old hag summons the world eating snake to earth directly, then invites us as a guest>we learn her dark and tragic backstory, then fight her for the 7th piece of the macguffin>unfortunately apolo shows up and kills all the natives there in a fit of autistic rage>we flee north to meet with gala again>after adian is shown that the siseante clan destroyed the place where he used to have sex with his boyfriend, and we beat the shit out of them, he's finally on the road to stop being an angry incel>finally, we head to the great spirit's resting place for the final showdownWhiteout counter: 0
Badges: 8
Spirit Fragments: 7
Confirmed deaths: 14
Bad guys get away: too many fucking times
Pokemon ordered to attack trainer: 4
Bestiality: 5
Organ trafficking: 1
Apolo escapes an asskicking: 3
Crashes: 1
Previous Threads: plays MEGA folder (contains writefaggotry, art, screenshot spam, and extras): the fuck is this garbage?
>This is Pokemon Opal, which is going to be the second game Xaviondos does at a snail's pace>It's actually complete - if you ignore the bad translation.>Decisions & catches are made via GETs when people actually give a shit about them - dubs override singlets, trips override dubs and can cause thread-long rules, and quads+ override trips and can cause permanent rules>current rule for playthrough is a bird/flying monotype with sandshrew and aggron