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Ash ketchum
Abiliy: Scrappy
Evovles into either AG Ash by natural progression and into BW Ash via dubious disc
AG Ash
Abiliy: Scrappy
The evolution of OS Ash, It's base attack and speed stat sharply increase.
DP Ash
ability: huge power
>running DP ash
Literally the cancer killing showdown
XY Ash
Alpha Force: (essentially huge power and victory star with a chance to cause infatuation....on both genders.)
Though the Red's hat mega item takes up it's item slot his insane stats caused him to be perma banned from showdown. No we don't have to "git gud" he needs to get balanced.
BW Ash
ability:Slow... (it's like slow start, but without the start.)
A jokemon made when fans complained about DP ash. ironically this walking pile of "please kill me" was banned from showdown for being so bad that it was broken.