>>50188786I want a heavy Postgame, but not a story based one. People who say ORAS had a good post game when the Delta episode is like 6 battles with a Deoxys fight at the end, fuck off with that shit. After you do that in 2 hours you just have legendary encounter grinds and the copy paste Battle Chateau from XY, fucking pathetic postgame. Give me all Battle Facilities returning. I want Tower, Hall, Arcade, Pike, Arena, PWT, Institute, Agency, Restrictive Sparring, Mt. Battle, even fucking Battle Bingo from XD and the unique Colosseum rules from Battle Revolution. Give me all that shit playable in Doubles, Singles, even Triple or Rotation for when I'm feeling quirky. Unique rewards and trophies for each. Honestly I just want a fully fledged Stadium experience with good multiplayer, and maybe a Wild Area-esque hub area where you can see other trainers and battle them or join them in Facilities. Campaigns be damned