Quoted By:
>young female
>pale skin (even by white standards)
>blond hair
>wears white or extremely pale colored dress
I know the routine. She's gonna be a fucking useless fragile flower, and its going to become the PC's mission to protect this chick. Luckily, since monsters fight, she doesn't have to have a staff and use healing magic. Or apparently pokeballs so that she could just send out her own loyal defenders.
So does she have some sort of mysterious powers? Or is just the familial connections to the antagonist that make her arbitrarily special and force me not to ditch this broad in the first town and never look back?
Pic related- she has an edgelord brother too. Though this one was smart enough to bring a pokemon. I guess not having one is what makes Lillie a special snowflake in a world where 4 year olds attack me with their pikaclones.