I'm back, and I have something new. In a previous thread, some people posted prompts, one of which was "A small prey pokemon ponders whether living among humans is better for them before heading to sleep". I wrote something simple and short (around 1400 words) based on that, involving a Rattata.
I present my newest and smallest story, "Rattata's Choice".
https://docs.google.com/document/d/1AOjAsNbWj6AxIQfwgQNlr0jY44WWlgq3rkem955TP4U/edit?usp=sharinghttps://pastebin.com/UWpeK8zNBoth links lead to the same story. I wanted to try using google docs this time, but the pastebin is there as a backup in case there's any problem with the google docs version.
Like always, I greatly appreciate any feedback or comments, as I'm still looking to learn and improve.