>make this post >>48982334>go away for an hour to have a gin and a cigar with friends>come back... well, I failed in stopping this from overtaking the thread, didn't I? Sorry anons. In the time I was gone I took a few minutes to scroll through Dave's twitter account, which has proven itself revealing on some points. But I'd rather this just wrapped up now desu because it's getting weird even by my standards. I'll try to keep this brief.
David, I think what you need is some IRL friends to help you out. I can see from your twitter that you don't have many long term interactions, and most of them are characterised by a mixture of pestering on your part, and confusion turning into dread on their's. Part of this is things like ... asking me to speak to you in private ... repeatedly, as if I couldn't the see first request. Well, if I couldn't, simply reposting it won't help will it?
To answer those, no, I do not have a tumblr, or a twitter or anything else. I favour 4chan precisely because it makes the personal element relatively optional, and helps it stay out of the way of the content and discussions shared. DESU David, you could take a leaf from that book big time, because a large part of the problem is that you make big scenes. I really didn't think that the first few posts I made on this topic would balloon outward like this, but looking at past threads and twitter posts that anons have linked, it's obviously an on-running issue with yourself.
If you genuinely don't understand what it is you have done wrong or why, then the answer is simple: would YOU like to be bombarded with strange, perhaps irrelevant, requests for things that you find off-putting? I don't think many people request things from you, so maybe you wouldn't understand these sorts of things, but it's very unpleasant.
Further, because you ask LOADS artists for the exact same requests each time, it dehumanises them. You're not really interested in them, you're just trying to use them to get art.