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Hold your common tongue, dog, for your prodigious and stunning, most godlike and quite benevolent master has not issued commands to the contrary. Indeed, you have been expressly forbidden by your superior, wise, and omnipotent master to expound upon any form of diction via your disgusting canid muzzle that runs parallel to mine wishes--nay, mine DEMANDS. So be it, pet, owing to your insubordinate and petulant nature and manner of conduct, in accordance with the laws, regulations, and customs your superior beings have deemed fit to lay upon your flea-ridden shoulders, that you shall be relegated for the interim to your kennel, where you will reside in silent and shameful perpetuity as you reflect most recalcitrantly upon your decisions to flaunt the decrees issued to you. Now, pet, make haste. Return to your kennel at once. AT ONCE, dog. Your master commands you.