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I haven't played pokemon since emerald back in 2005. I never had any friends/siblings so I only ever made teams to level up and fight the computer (which was either retarded or cheated like in the battle frontier)
I kinda want to get back into not only the series but battling other humans especially since I always wanted to but never could.
I've been reading smogon analyses for my favorite pokemon back in the day and I have 3 questions for you guys:
1. For only battling, am I better off using Showdown or buying a 3DS and the actual game?
2. What's the difference between and what's the most popular doubles format between OU, UU, Battle Spot, and VGC? (Doubles seems to be a lot more fast-paced and fun)
3. Is it remotely viable to have a team that doesn't have any of the following: An Ultra Beast, a Tapu legendary, or a Mega Evolution? From what I can tell, Ultra Beasts and Tapus are pretty broken and have game-changing abilities like the terrain. And as far as Megas go, I feel like a lot of my favorite pokemon that received a Mega evolution (Tyranitar, sharpedo, heracross, blastoise, manectric to name a few) have such ugly and horrible designs for their Mega evolutions that I don't want to use them on the aesthetic basis alone.