I beat Red with a team that has since been transferred by my 9year old self into Gold, which has now become an extinct save. My Red save remains intact, albeit no Pokemon there is left.
Ever since I was 11, I wondered what my original team must have been, because the Hall of Fame has been disabled by Missingno for a long-ass time. Having looked at the Pokemon I transferred back then, I figured out that my team consisted of the following:
>Venusaur, Level 96>Nidoking, Level 57>Moltres, Level 56>Golduck, Level 52>Rhydon, Level 48>Aerodactyl, Level 36>>27554418>can actually use both STAB>poisonI agree, 40BP Acid is a beast on that thing. I can kill myself with that thing, 'specially after having read that.